What are the sustainable life habits?


It consist in giving an answer to the basic necessities, offer a better lifestyle, reducing the use of natural resources and emission and without compromise the necessities of future generations. The sustainable lifestyle is a social and transformer concept in a responsible way with the society and the future generations.

Living habits

The living habits are our activities and behaviour ordinaires, that is to say, our daily actions and traditions. Currently we have a sedentary lifestyle for the most part, so the healthy ones are being abandoned. Leading a sedentary lifestyle means not doing almost any exercise, lying down or resting too long. This way of life can lead to diseases or problems such as obesity, poor circulation of blood or weak bones among others. A sustainable development would be to live from natural products without abusing nature, it is important to promote habits that respect and protect the environment.

Looked up links

1.http://www.lineaverdeceutatrace.com/lv/guias-buenas-practicas-ambientales/habitos-vida-sosten ible/que-son-los-habitos-de-vida-sostenibles.asp.

2.¿Qué significa un estilo de vida sostenible?. eco inteligencia - cambia a un estilo de vida sostenible!.
