Suggestion about the uses of the water:

We should be responsable about how to use the water because we depended of it. It is necessary to be carefull and to know how this can be benefit for us. And how we can do this with small actions. Daily habits : Wash the fruit in a bold and use that water to water the plants later. Use the dishwasher only when is full. To turn of the tap while you are washing your teeth. Take the water that leaves during is coming the warm water. Fill the tank of the toilet tank with empty bottles for not be full the cister. To put the short programme of the washing machine. To use the water of the tap instead of buying bottles in the market, with this action you safe money too. The contamination of the water : Not throw out blubber in the drain of the water. Not throw out residues in the swamp or lakes. Not get rid of the pets.

Web page and contents developed by the students of the subject Information and Communication Technologies I of the Santa Catalina de Sena School FEFC. Jaime Alonso, Eduard Arruga, María Asenjo, Vanezka Bernal, Alejandro Blas, Marco Byers, Michelle Castro, Nuria Conde, Jesus Cortés, Gonzalo de Elías, Héctor Fernández, Lucía Fernández, Ana Gámir, Mara García, Javier García, Cristina García, Alejandro García-Ovies, Paula Giménez, Sara Gómez, Rocío González, Ignacio González, David López, Asier Manchado, Carmen Manzano, Irene Martín, Miguel Merino, César Moro, Elías Obreja, Isabel Ortega, Lucía Ortiz, Pablo Reglero, Lucía Romero, Héctor Santiago, Pablo Simón, Ciprián Ursu, Patricia Zorrilla All the contents of this website are subject to creative commons licenses: Recognition-NoComercial CC BY-NC